Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Install .rpm in Ubuntu

We can't install .rpm package in ubuntu straightly. So we go to alien

Installing Alien :

You can install alien itself from the Ubuntu Universe repository by adding the repository to your list of sources and doing:

$sudo apt-get update
$sudo apt-get install alien

Installing the .rpm file :

To install the .rpm file, you first need to convert it to a .deb file which can be installed on Ubuntu.
I assume that you downloaded the package to your Desktop (~/Desktop is the directory)
You can convert the .rpm to a .deb by using the following commands.
$cd ~/Desktop
-This will change the directory to your desktop, where you have the .rpm file.
$sudo alien -k name-of-rpm-file.rpm
- This will convert the .rpm to a .deb.
- The “-k” will keep the version number. Otherwise alien adds a “1″ to the version number.
$sudo dpkg -i name-of-deb-file.deb
- This will install the .deb package

* still not tried
* I get it from ubuntu forum

Command line installing tar.bz2 files

1. tar jxvf filename.tar.bz2

2. cd to_some_directory_you_extracted_file

3. ./configure

4. make install

* Still i not tried.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Installing .bin file in RedHat Enterprise Linux 5 ( RHEL 5 )

You should be a root user for Install

1. Open terminal
2. Open folder which contains .bin file
3. Type sh [file_name].bin
4. Depend upon package it ask path, Choose path and press ok
5. Finish